For the past 2 years both Tanya and John have worked at the ‘Wolf Run’ near Leamington in Warwickshire providing post event rub downs for its competitors. The 10K Wolf Run is designed to give entrants the feeling of running in the wild. They experience a series of natural and man-made obstacles to test both their mental and physical endurance. At this year’s 2 day event in April, Tanya and John decided to enter the run as well as provide free post event massages for the competitors. 
They entered the Sunday race along with their friends, Sarah Palmer, Emma Louise Watkin and Patrick McDonagh. All five completed the course in respectable times and without injury. As Tanya said “We love it, it’s fun, dirty and a great atmosphere”. The event is also undertaken to help raise money for charity and this year’s donations will be going to the Warwickshire and Northampton Air Ambulance. So far Fire & Earth have raised £500.00 from the April run and would like to break the £1000.00 barrier with donations from the run in September. If you would like to sponsor or make a donation towards hitting the target please get in touch with either John or Tanya. 
At the event in April the Fire & Earth team, which included Avril and Courtney, provided free post run ‘rub downs’ which lasted about 10 minutes each. Anyone who had a massage was given a 20% discount voucher for future treatments at their 3 locations. 2 members of the team were massaging throughout the event and they are hoping to increase this to 4 therapists in September. Many competitors find the massage extremely beneficial to help with their recovery as Devlin Perry pointed out on our Facebook post “Thanks Avril, I met you at The Wolf Run on Sunday, great sports massage on my calves and quads, great pressure and well needed”. September’s Wolf Run is already sold out so the team are looking forward to another busy weekend on the course and at the massage tables! 
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