Where it all began… 

My love of animals, in particular sporting horses, led me to train as a veterinary physiotherapist graduating from the Royal College of Animal Physiotherapy. Once qualified I set about working with a variety of animals, particularly those that had sustained injuries whilst undertaking high demand activities. It soon became evident the importance of physiotherapy and sports therapy in not only the recovery of an injury but the future ability to return to a full level of function with minimal chance of re injury and dysfunction. 
After working closely with a variety of sporting injuries and orthopaedic conditions within the equine and canine industry, I felt it important to extend my knowledge into human practice. 

Owners wanted massage too.. 

My interest in the human side of things was always there but spiked when I kept getting asked to massage the owners of the dogs and horses I was seeing. I decided to give it a try and studied with the SMA (Sports Massage Academy) 
After qualifying as a sports massage therapist I carried on my interest in sports related injuries and rehabilitation, focusing on offering an individual long term treatment plan to help prevent and assist in the the recovery of injuries and to help maintain peak performance. 

Massage helps both mentally and physically 

Alongside the physical benefits that massage offers, I have a firm believe that massage therapy is just as important and beneficial for mental and emotional wellbeing. I have in previous work life I also worked with adults that were struggling. This has lead to my passion for anything that can help people find peace and be happy. 
I enjoy working with a large and varied client base, from professional athletes to clients with long term restrictive conditions. I take great pride in being part of their journey whether that be helping them work towarsd their next big goal or to assist in improving their overall wellbeing. 

What I love to do… 

When not working I enjoy riding and competing my horse and working towards my own goals and new experiences. I recently completed my biggest challenge to date: in 2018 I successfully summited Kilimanjaro, something I never thought I'd be capable of doing. The next big adventure in the pipeline is reaching base camp Everest with the hope of raising money and supporting a local charity in the process. 

Come and say hi 

I’d love to help you with any issues you might be having at the moment, be it a stiff back or a specfic injury. Come and see me at The Quadrant on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 12pm-8pm. 
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