A common question to Sports Therapists: “So are you like a Physiotherapist?” 

If we had a pound for every time we get asked this question…! This is our view on it as sport therapists. 
Sports Therapy and Physiotherapy are two separate healthcare professions, however sports therapy is often misunderstood, with many people unaware of our capabilities and background. 
There isn’t a direct answer to this question, as technically yes it could be said that we are “like” physiotherapists as we are both: 
Highly educated to degree level, qualified and knowledgeable professionals. 
Able to create unique treatment plans specific to your individual needs, alongside rehabilitation programmes. 
Aid in minimising experienced pain levels. 
Provide assessments of injuries and where possible a diagnosis. 
Perform soft tissue treatments such as massage, muscle energy techniques and manual therapy treatments such as mobilisations. 
Help clients with injury prevention, management and lifestyle changes. 
One difference between the two professions are the areas that we are trained in: 
Sports Therapists: 
Even though we cover fewer areas than a physiotherapist our experiences in neuromuscular injuries/conditions, what most clients come to us with, allow our knowledge of this area to be vast and versatile when it comes to adapting to a client’s individual needs. 
Both professions use a similar approach to any treatment where “physiotherapy” skills are applied. Physiotherapy definition; 
“the treatment of disease, injury or deformity by physical methods including massage, heat treatment, electricity and exercise, rather than drugs or surgery” 
A sports therapists’ approach is exactly the same but we are much more ‘hands on’. We muscle test, massage, stretch and mobilise joints as well as give exercises. 
Sound like somthing you need? No problem book in now. 
Nowadays we work alongside one another in multi-disciplinary teams, where our individual knowledge can be put together to provide the best possible outcomes for clients. We have this within our Fire & Earth team, our specialism is soft tissue and within that we all have different skills that get the best possbile results for each client. Want a new PB? See Harry. Want to prevent injury with massage and exercises see G, Kimberley or Amy. Want to get those knots worked out and improve your posture and well-being see John, Caroline or Tanya. Together we make an awesome team! 
Any questions you have please book in and we can help you. 


The Society of Sports Therapists state “Sports Therapy is an aspect of healthcare that is specifically concerned with the prevention of injury and the rehabilitation of the patient back to optimum levels of functional, occupational and sports specific fitness, regardless of age and ability.” 
As a Sports Therapist, we will take you above and beyond optimal levels of performance following injury, aiming to prevent re occurrences and manage those you may currently have. 
As the explanation suggests, its not only individuals from a sporting background that can benefit from our knowledge and expertise. Anyone with muscular injuries or issues can benefit from our skill set as many clients do each week. 
As you can see there are no specific differences a physiotherapist can do regarding neuromusculoskeletal injuries than a sports therapist can. 
Do not be put off by the title and see for yourself what we can do for you here at Fire & Earth. 
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