Within football like all sports football comes with high risks of injuries. One of the reasons for this elevated risk is that football is a high-impact sport. Tackling, blocking, and other physical interactions between players can result in contusions, concussions, and other common injuries. 
Another reason football injuries are so common is simply the nature of the game. Players must frequently pivot and change direction, increasing the likelihood of injuries to the joints and other tissues. Sudden bursts of speed can cause muscle damage if the player is not properly warmed up. Overuse injuries are also common as players are unlikely to rest. 
Are you game ready? 
The most common football injuries we see in our rooms generally tend to be lower limb and break down into the following; 
ACL Injuries - The anterior cruciate ligament in the knee can become damaged or torn when a player is impacted from the front or rear. 
MCL Injuries - Injury to the medial collateral ligament in the knee is also very common because it occurs when the knee is impacted from the side. 
Torn Meniscus- When a player rotates their body while a foot stays planted, the knee can twist, causing the meniscus to tear. 
Ankle Sprains & Strains - Perhaps the most common injury in all sports, ankles are susceptible to soft tissue damage when pivoting, changing direction, or putting too much pressure on the joint. 
Muscle Contusions - A strong impact to a large muscle, usually in the thigh, can cause a contusion. This is basically a large, deep bruise that can impair muscle function. 
Torn Hamstrings - Bursts of speed can cause the hamstrings to tear if the player is not conditioned or properly warmed up. 
Shoulder Tendinitis - Frequent throwing can cause overuse injuries like shoulder tendinitis from repetitive motions. 
Shoulder Separation or Dislocation - A direct blow below the shoulder can cause a separation of the acromioclavicular joint, while a dislocation occurs when the head of the humerus detaches from the scapula. 
Treatment Protocol: 
RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation): can be improved with active cold and compression therapies to help speed up the healing process for injuries 
Sports Massage: Massage benefits football players by flushing and keeping muscles maintained and in good shape. These health benefits leads to faster recovery times and increased training. With increased training, the idea is you'll become a better athlete. 
Massage also helps by treating myofascial adhesions. Be it micro tears, or out and out tears, massage can help unbind structures that have glued to other structures during the healing process, this ultimately restricts movement and increases the potential for injury further down the road. Keep in mind there is a proper soft tissue healing timeline for healing correctly to occur and probably best directed by a professional therapist. 
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