Although incredibly exciting, the festive period can be a stressful time for many, especially if you’re suffering with pain. For some people, the idea of shopping for Christmas presents and rushing around to visit family can literally be a pain in the neck. 
Today we are going to be discussing some top tips to help you to avoid injury and pain this Christmas, so you can enjoy the festivities whilst feeling your best. 


Shopping. You either love it or loathe it. Christmas is the busiest time of year for shopping and often you can come home feeling tired and aching all over. Shopping can affect your posture and in turn hurt your back. 
Here are some top tips on staying pain free whilst shopping: 
• Using a trolley rather than a basket 
• Trying to avoid long periods on your feet 
• Do several small trips rather than one huge stressful trip 
• Try and take regular breaks when you are out shopping (stopping for a coffee is always a good idea) 
• Wear sensible and supportive shoes 
• Be aware of lifting anything heavy 
• When stood in a queue try shifting your weight from one foot to the other 
• Try to avoid carrying too much, distribute the weight of the bags equally in each hand. 

Online Shopping 

Shopping has never been easier now that we can do it online in the comfort of our own homes. Many of us are turning to online shopping to avoid the Christmas rush, However, spending long periods of time hunched over your laptop or slouching on the sofa scrolling can also affect your posture. 
We suggest you try the following to avoid back and neck ache: 
• Check your posture regularly 
• Take regular screen breaks (Try taking a walk around the house and having a stretch out) 
• Use your laptop on a table rather than on your lap 

Wrapping (you’re either good at it or very bad at it) 

When wrapping Christmas presents most of us tend to take over a room in the house and sit with presents scattered all over the floor and cellotape taped to every surface in reach. Sitting on the floor and leaning forward for long periods of time isn’t natural for us. It causes extra strain on or neck and lower back as we are sat cross legged and hunched over. Try standing at a table or wrapping only a few presents at a time. 

Cooking, Eating, Drinking, and Relaxing 

For some, the festive period is a time for lounging on the sofa, eating everything in sight and drinking a lot more than usual (we’re not talking about water here). However, your body still needs movement, so do try and stay as active as possible. It can also be very easy to forget to stay hydrated during the chaos of Christmas but drinking plenty of water (in between the alcohol) will help reduce the risk of any injuries. 
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