Whether you know them as ‘knotted muscle’ or a ‘muscle knot’, we regularly get asked how they’re caused and how to get rid of them. 

What are muscle knots / knotted muscles? 

If you feel discomfort or tenderness in a particular spot in your muscle, you may have a muscle knot. It typically manifests in the upper back or the legs, where it causes a painful, constricted feeling, but they can be all over the body. 
The medical term for muscle knots is myofascial trigger points. In simpler terms, muscle knots are hard, sensitive areas of muscles that tighten and contract even when the muscle is resting. This happens when the bands of tissue called fascia (muscle fibres) underneath the muscles tense and tighten. 
If left untreated these tense muscle fibres can cause pain in other parts of the body when touched, which is known as referred pain. 

What causes muscle knots? 

There are quite a few potential causes: 
Repetitive strain injury. 
Poor strength. 
Dehydration / poor circulation. 
Lack of sleep. 
Trauma - a muscle tear. 
Having a sedentary lifestyle, bad posture, and eating poorly can also contribute to muscle knots. 

So how can I treat them? 

Relaxing irritated nerves and working through knots in the muscular tissue can be a lengthy process. 
The deep pressure used in sports massage makes it an excellent treatment for this. The therapist can use many methods, including as trigger pointing, frictioning, and stretching, to cure knots. Massage therapy helps improve circulation and blood flow, and it can be targeted specifically to the knotted areas through deep massage strokes on the surrounding muscle tissue. All of your muscles will feel more relaxed and your body will function better. 
If you are suffering with knotted muscles, book an appointment online to see how massage therapy can help. 
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