At Fire & Earth we get a lot of new clients and some of them look a little nervous coming in as they don’t know what to expect from their first massage. Some also come in not dressed for the occasion as they are unsure what they should be wearing. 

What should you wear for your treatment? 

What you should wear depends on what you are having massaged. if you’re having your legs massaged then we advise to wear shorts or at least bring your shorts with you to get changed into, if you’d rather wear more than your underwear. If you’re having your upper body massaged then women should wear a vest. 
If you’re happy to remove this and your bra you can do so while the therapist is out of the room, and cover yourself in a towel. Men, if they are OK with it, can go topless. 
For all first sessions, a therapist will look at posture and the way you move through different motions this will require the therapist to see all aspects of the client therefore short and a vest for women and shorts for men will be the best attire for the first appointment. If you are coming for a sports therapy session then you will need to be in a kit that you are able to possibly go on gym equipment or perform some form of exercise. 
Once you’ve been for your first session, shorts are recommended if doing legs but if you forget your stuff then don’t panic as we cover you over in towels to protect clothing, modesty, and to keep you warm. 

What to expect for your first massage? 

Once you have got the clothes you need you will come to the clinic where you will need to wait in the reception area. You’ll then be greeted by your therapist who will take you into the room and start a consultation form with you. 
The consultation form consists of a health questionnaire and general questions to allow the therapist to know what the issue is that you are coming in with. We know you may not be excited to complete this, but it’s important for us to understand what’s going on with your body so we know how best we can help you. 
Once the consultation form is complete, your therapist will then carry out some assessments. These tend to involve a postural assessment, and, depending on if you need them, there may be some movement assessments and muscle tests. 
Once these has been completed the therapist will talk through what they have found and then explain the recommended treatment. This is then followed by the therapist leaving the room so you can get undressed and lay on the couch. 
The therapist will tell you whether to lie face up or face down, but if in doubt, feel free to ask. We’ve heard all sorts of questions before! 

The treatment is then carried out. 

During your treatment, the therapist will again talk through what they are finding as they go along. They will ask whether you’re happy with the pressure and the temperature, but if at any point you would like to change anything or pause then please just speak up. We want you to be totally relaxed, happy, and comfortable. 
Once the session is over the therapist will give you some aftercare advice and will then email you through some exercises to help with your treatment outside of the clinic. 
Although we know that a first massage session might feel intimidating because we have all heard the scary stories about having a sports massage! 
But here at Fire & Earth we pride ourselves on making your experience as relaxing and stress-free as possible. We also create every treatment plan bespoke to your needs. 

So, there’s no need to worry about having your first massage 

Worrying makes your muscles tenser and that’s what we’re trying to sort out! 
As always, if you have any questions please speak to us before booking or chat to your therapist before or during your treatment. Your comfort and health is our priority, and we’ll be happy to help. 
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