Why a Sports Massage is a Great Student Investment
Posted on 3rd September 2019 at 10:00
As a student on a tight budget, it can be hard to prioritise where your money goes. However, most of the time those daily morning coffees, evening takeaways, and unexpected nights out turn in to the most expensive investments we make.
If I look back over my time at university, I remember going out with a budget but also taking my card with me “just in case of emergencies” and using it nearly every time! Looking back, I wish I’d been better at investing in looking after myself rather than thinking my body could cope with all those daft student antics!
For most, a massage is perceived as a bit of a luxury, as they are often thought to be expensive. However, the value they provide to our health is often underrated, and the list of benefits is lengthy. One 30-minute sports massage is the same as 2 weeks’ worth of coffees, or in a month’s spending you could treat yourself to two massages for less than the average spend on fast food. “According to research, ordering take-aways costs the average Brit £1,000 per year, which works out at around £80 per month”.
Some of the benefits of sports massage include:
Increased oxygen delivery to soft tissue structures
Increasing elasticity of soft tissue, improving flexibility
Helping to decrease blood pressure
Aiding the removal of lactic acid
Providing relaxation properties
Promoting a sense of well-being
Whilst you take on your studies and get writing essays and doing exams, it’s highly likely you’re going to suffer with shoulder and/or back discomfort from both stress and the posture you adopt whilst sat at a desk for extended periods. These postural changes can have a detrimental effect on your body.
Your shoulders are likely to drop forwards, rounding your back and putting stress on the muscles in your lower back. As well as this, the muscles in your neck can become tense due to constantly poking your chin forwards whilst you spend time writing or staring at a screen. That’s not even to consider the ‘tech neck’ so many people suffer with from looking down at phones so much.
Not only can a massage help to relax tense muscles, but your massage therapist can also provide you with exercises to help correct your seated posture to minimise any future effects.
So, whilst you think that perhaps the cost of a massage may be expensive and unaffordable for your tight student budget, it is an investment that’s definitely worthwhile.
At Fire & Earth we also offer a 10% student discount, so what better reason would you have to spend money on a massage?! Come and see us by booking here.
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