Now here's a day we can really get behind! 
#GivingTuesday (Tuesday 28th November 2017) is the day to do good stuff for charity. We like doing Good Stuff - in fact we like it so much we put it in capitals. 
Doing Good Stuff should really be every day, every week, every month, but you know, you've got to start somewhere. 
We don't think it is a coincidence that #GivingTuesday follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Did you know it's been around since 2014 and has become one of Britain’s biggest days for charities, raising millions of pounds for good causes? 
Given our beliefs and our recent blog/rant about Black Friday, it seemed the right thing to get behind #GivingTuesday. You can find out more about what they do on their website
So here's the deal. 
You have to do exactly NOTHING
If you are booked in for a treatment today we will donate £5 from each appointment to Coventry Winter Night Shelter, and there will be a little gift for each of you too. 
We repeat. 
You have to do NOTHING! 
It's our way of paying it forward. It's just a small gesture, but if everyone did an single act of kindness... well, actually Amelia Earhart says it best 
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” 
We'll be honest, we are hoping that our giving will inspire you to give too. Whether that's a donation of money, time or much-needed items to a charity, sharing Good Stuff on social media - anything goes! It doesn't matter what or how much - it's little things that add up to be something AMAZING. 
Just imagine... 
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